My first encounter of the amazing Christina Davis was at a "First Impressions" workshop she delivered at my very first FemCity Des Moines event. To no surprise, she made an excellent impression and I knew instantly that I wanted to work with her. Christina is dynamic. She draws people in with her immense confidence and kindness. She practices what she preaches in every way. Her business, Outside-In Consulting specializes in defining personal branding for her clients and offering a streamlines presentation of self, both in business and life. Christina also has a big heart and will be contributing her styling talents to her the winner of our Empowerment Portrait Session and I can't wait to see how her way of empowering women influences our winner. Nominate your empower women here!
As a mom to two delightful daughters, I find myself talking a lot about what others see. "Mind your table manners, say please and thank you, look people in the eyes when you speak to them, people before technology, brush your hair, brush your teeth and finally, YES, if that makes you feel beautiful, you should wear it."
If an outsider were to listen in on this dialogue, they might begin to think I'm teaching my children to focus on what others think - that the world is judgmental or we should work hard to impress others. I believe there is another important truth to all of this.
My children's funny, engaging personalities are huge and attractive parts of who they are. But other than my core job of teaching them to be good people, I am also teaching them how to best communicate who they are. What we say, how we look and act, sends a message to the world. Others are deciding, do I want to know them more or not? Are they "my people"? Are they kind, thoughtful or not? Are they genuine? Do they LOVE non matching socks? When I coach my kids, I call this parenting. As we get older, this attention to detail is called personal branding.
Kelly Marble, Outside-In Consulting Client
Our image, what we convey outwardly, otherwise known as our brand, provides these future opportunities to connect. Setting intention behind our personal brand is empowering and gives us control over who we draw to us. Clothing is a huge part of personal branding. A unique and authentic look is empowering, not just for ourselves but for others to witness. We are able to send a message about who we are by how we are put together. What do people see? Creativity, spunk, attention to detail? Someone happy and alive? Someone tired and haphazard?
Sommer Sharon, Outside-In Consulting Client
If we use personal branding to reflect our true selves accurately to others, we have a high likelihood of attracting those with whom we can have true and meaningful relationships, both in our professional and personal lives.
I am SO excited to offer a two hour clothing consultation to the winner of Ivory House Photography's Empowerment Portrait Session giveaway. I think this is the perfect opportunity for a deserving woman to pamper herself head to toe and really take a moment to take inventory of her power to enable her to design her ideal personal brand for the camera!